Talk about an extremely delayed post! Sorry about that!
I got back to LA on the 7th of this month only to jump right back into school!
It has been great being back, we went through the book of Hosea and are currently going through Isaiah. The book of Isaiah is a beast, let me tell you! This week has full of class, homework, eating and sleeping :)
So a bit about Hosea.. Hosea is an incredible book, it is God showing his intense love for his people!
Hosea was a faithful man of God and God told him to marry a prostitute that would cheat on him time and time again. That is how Israel was acting towards God, he longed for deep and intimate relationship with them but they were playing the role of a prostitute and continued to break Gods heart. God was telling them how he was constantly there and would continue to take them back after each time they turned from him. His love is everlasting and we can see it so much through this book.
Maybe you've been in a situation like Hosea was in; you are in a relationship and the person you dearly love does something that breaks your heart, or maybe even cheats on you. It seems like they weren't considering you at all... and you're thinking "how could they not think about me? After all we've been through, they would break my heart like this??"
That is the worst feeling ever. Whether its in a romantic relationship or a friendship- it is heart breaking. To see the one you love and want with your whole heart walk away from you.
If I were Hosea, I don't think I could have taken Gomer (his wife) back after she cheated so many times. But God had called Hosea to that marriage, just like we are called to a "marriage" with God and no matter how many times we cheat on him with other things he will still take us back. He has made a covenant with us to never leave us or forsake us, to comfort us when we are in pain, to help us, lead us and protect us. Hopefully after cheating on God multiple times we could understand how it breaks his heart and that would compel us to flee from our hazardous ways. But I know from my own life that I continue to cheat on God... even with the knowledge of him and how it breaks his heart, I still make mistakes and choose my own way. That's where His grace comes in, His grace makes a way for me to go back to God time and time again in the midst of my crap and not choosing Him. He not only wants me to come back to him after I've "prostituted" myself, but HE also makes a way for me to get back to Him.
What an incredible God, that He would love me/us so much, and continue to pursue me/us even while we are blatantly not choosing Him. That is amazing to me, I don't deserve that, and I cant earn that... its His free gift to me.. all I can do is respond. I can respond in love and loyalty. Constantly trying to love him through all I do, making a choice daily to follow Him.. and when I make poor choices or do something that hurts Him to always go back to Him and not allow my crap to make a wedge between my relationship with Him.
That's what I saw and learned about the Lord through the book of Hosea; God is passionately pursuing us, he formed us, provides life for us, and on top of it He wants to bless us.
If you are reading this and you don't have a relationship with the Lord, I encourage you to talk to God, to ask Him into your heart and to be the Lord of your life. Being a christian isn't about being perfect or "being good" its about having a relationship with Jesus Christ who is God and loving him and mostly letting him love YOU.
God isn't interested in you for what you can do right or for what you can do for him, He's interested in you for YOU. Because He really likes you.. for who you are.. where you are at RIGHT NOW.
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